Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Module 1 Introduction


  1. Cecelia,

    Bless you for working with 8th graders! I know 8th grade teachers who felt the same about my working with 7th graders! (After 7 years with 7th grade, I still think 7th graders are the BEST!)

    I agree that students learn best when they can do the work. I recently began to use the "Flipped Classroom" approach. I record a short video or two to demonstrate the content. Then, I share it with my students, often through our class blog. I send them some pdf files of examples to work, such as with balancing chemical equations. The students can watch the videos, pause them as needed, and interact with the pdf files I have sent. Most of the feedback has been positive.

    Have you considered this approach? It works well for me because all of our students are required to have Internet access, since we are a virtual school. From the evidence I have seen, traditional schools find parents and students embrace the approach well, too.

    As for your three statements, I am stumped! I am going to guess that you are not into skydiving, but I am really not sure! You did a great job with those!

    I hope you have a blessed week!

  2. You are correct! I am so not into skydiving. I am actually terrified of heights and only fly in a plane when necessary. I could never jump out of one.

    I have done a few flipped lessons, but I have never recorded myself to do so. I will try it and let you know how it goes. I can load the recording on Blackboard for student use. Sounds like it could be very engaging and challenge students of all levels. Thanks for the idea!

